Friday, November 20, 2009

Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers

This is what we are doing now in the greenhouse. This is spinach in the greenhouse, along with romaine and some carrots. We are hoping to grow some flowers in the greenhouse this year and for years to come after going to a conference in Memphis held by the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers (which we are now proud members of)...

Wow was that an adventure! We took the dogs with us which was probably a bad idea, but a family field trip sounded like a good idea at first. Aside from that, the conference was very informational. And, we got to meet not only other flower growers that are up and coming, but also the ones who have dominated their local flower production. We got a good idea of what life would be like if we were flower growers full time for a living, producing year round. It is nice to see that it is definitely possible, and they even raised families with that income. Prior to going, we already knew that people aren't as concerned with flowers being local like they are produce. The presenters at the conference reminded us that we aren't just trying to sell our product, we are really selling our lifestyle too. We are showing the buyers that we don't use chemicals, that we are producing locally, and that there are no flowers fresher than just picked from the farm. All in all, it was very informational and inspirational and it made us already pumped for next year. We came right home and bought a used greenhouse so that we could increase production and expand our season. So despite the long drive, the dog's anxiety, and our anxiety, everything worked out for the best.

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