You may think that this is cruel way to think of these piggies, but they are so cute I have to keep reminding myself of this so I don't get attached. The day they get put on the truck to be processed will definitely be a sad one. But, they will be raised right with brothers and sisters to play with, kitchen scraps to eat, and even a good back scratching every now and then. These are hogs that would have been raised for meat anyways, but now we just know that they have led a happy pig life.
We are raising them on another farmer's property because I don't think that the neighbors would appreciate us doing it here. These pictures are from the first day we got them so they were just settling in. The bigger troughs will be built for their food and water but for now we are just using baby pools. Once they discovered the water, they were really enjoying themselves. They even enjoyed being sprayed off with the hose since it was a hot day.
They should be ready by November- the 1st of the year. If anyone is interested in buying half a pig, a whole pig, or can find friends and family to split one, definitely contact us. We haven't quite calculated the cost yet, but we will have more information once we know what the cost per pig is going to be for us. If you let us know before they are processed then they can be made into sausage, brats, etc. to your liking. Soo-ee!
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