Overall, we have been really excited about the summer and have begun to realize that every farmer ever is behind on their to do list. There is so much to do and so little time. Well, not really but some hours of the day are just too hot to be working outside the whole time. We have been trying to create shady spots for us to work during the hottest hours, or we have been taking a little break. We have found that it is better to wake up early in the morning and work late in the evening if we can take an extended lunch break while it is sweltering outside. So far this has worked for us, but who knows what it will be like during the really busy season.
When we got the honeycomb from our bee guy, we scraped everything off of it into a strainer. After a couple of days, the honey separated from the beeswax, we bottled it up and have been enjoying it tremendously every since. It is like the maple syrup of honey, man is it good! Also, this has sparked an interest in making bath and body products. We are looking forward to being able to use fresh herbs from our garden to add into the soaps, lotions, or lip balms that we will create. We'll let you know how all this

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