Although we are not late with our plantings outside, it sure does feel like it. Since it was warm early, it has made us feel as though spring has been going on for a while. Mother's Day is technically the frost free date, so we're really not that far behind. It just keeps raining as soon as it gets dry enough for Steve to till, not leaving us much time to try to squeeze in plantings.
Also, we have discussed with a fellow farmer and discovered that the damage to the pepper plants is merely mechanical damage from it being so windy on Saturday. Whew! What a relief! That means that they will recover because all new growth looks good and hopefully we won't have another 40 mph windy day before we try to sell these plants at the market so that way they look as healthy as they actually are.
We recently put in 35 fruit trees, making an orchard in the back of the greenhouses. So, within the next few years we should have 5 sour cherry trees, 5 sweet cherry trees, and 25 asian pear trees (34 including the 9 we already have) producing fruit for us. We planted 25 blueberry plants as well. Last year we had 6 blueberry plants producing and it only fruited enough for me to eat because man they were good! We are really looking forward to this too, just another thing to expand our horizon and become more than just flower farmers. This does mean more work though, mulching and weeding even more areas.
This spring has been spent doing lots of weeding. Since it has been wet, all the weeds have been growing like crazy (well, like weeds I suppose). So, we have been trying to clear our beds of weeds now while we have the time instead of waiting until they are out of control in the summertime. So, all in all still feeling a little overwhelmed, but we are getting a lot accomplished so at least it is getting us somewhere. Who knows, maybe someday we will near the end of our to do list!
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