Sunday, May 2, 2010

Field trip #2

The same kids came back for more of a beating :) No really they came back to volunteer on the farm again and we actually have them for one more week so next week there will be more pictures. This week we built a pizza oven of cob. This is kind of like adobe, except you mix straw in with it as well. It is a fun process, but it was kind of cold for them to want to mix clay and sand with their feet. We had a few kids help us do the stomping on the clay to mix it, but all helped build the actual oven. Next week we will be cooking some pizza in it to reward them for their hard work.

Field trip!

We had a school come out to the farm for our first field trip. Here you can see the kids helping us spread out compost. Later we laid down drip tape and plastic mulch so that Steve and I can plant tomatoes later. They were a great help! What we got done would have taken Steve and I a lot longer to do, but with an extra 15 people helping, it went very quickly! These kids didn't even want gloves and they were all about it... I love watching other people get dirty!